We’re sorry to see you go.

It’s been our pleasure and honor serving you. We understand how stressful moving can be and we’d like your move from Hanscom Family Housing to go as smoothly as possible.

Step 1: Provide a 30-day written notice to the community management office.* Call in any work orders before or as close as possible to providing notice.
    *Exceptions apply ONLY if your orders do not allow for 30 days notice; proof of orders are required and release will be determined on a case by case basis. Residents are required to provide immediate notification to their community management office upon receipt of their PCS/separation orders.

Step 2: Call our office at 781-861-5062 to set up Notice to Vacate, Pre-Inspection and Final Inspection appointments. In most cases, Final Inspection will be the Effective Date of Lease Termination.

Step 3: Review the Move-Out Procedures Checklist and Move-Out Cleaning Checklist before both appointments to understand what your responsibilities for cleaning and/or damage repair will be.

Your cleaning option is to:
•Clean your home following the Hanscom Family Housing Cleaning Guidelines. Cleaning charges may be assessed during the Final Inspection.

Step 4: Before Final Inspection, make sure all work orders are complete, lawn and garden equipment is returned to the Self-Help Center and all trash, debris and personal items are removed from the premise. You will be charged a fee if trash and debris are not removed.

Additional Resources:

Schedule your Move-Out Inspection
Find another Hunt Military Community
Feedback Survey
Move-Out Condition Report